Braces are probably the top solution for those with buck teeth, crooked teeth, etc. who are looking for a new smile. Based on the current high demand for braces, there are more and more low-quality cheap braces packages floating around the market. Choosing such braces packages causes customers to suffer unpredictable consequences later.
1. What is cosmetic braces?
Cosmetic braces, also known as cosmetic orthodontics, is a method of using the pulling force of orthodontic appliances such as archwires, braces, clear aligners, etc. to adjust the teeth to the desired position. Braces will help balance the bite, bring high aesthetics to the entire face and also limit many other oral diseases.
2. Current orthodontic methods
Currently, there are 4 popular orthodontic techniques:
2.1. Metal braces
Metal braces are an orthodontic method that has been around for a long time and is commonly applied to many orthodontic cases, from simple to complex. With this method, the metal wire and brackets will be attached directly to the teeth to create a tightening force so that the tooth roots move to the correct position. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that it is not very aesthetic because the wire and bracket system will be clearly visible on the jaw. Therefore, this is also the cheapest orthodontic method currently.
2.2. Ceramic braces
The operating mechanism of ceramic braces is the same as metal braces, only the material of the braces is different. Ceramic braces have a rounded design, with fewer edges, so they will limit the situation of causing uncomfortable entanglement.
2.3. Lingual braces
With the lingual braces method, the archwire and braces will be installed on the inside of the teeth, bringing much higher aesthetics. However, food debris will easily stick to the braces and be difficult to clean, which will lead to many other oral diseases or cause bad breath.
2.4. Invisalign clear braces
Invisalign clear braces are the newest and most modern method of braces in the dental industry today. For this method, traditional braces will be replaced with clear plastic trays. The clear braces will be made separately, personalized to be compatible with each customer’s dental frame. The entire course of treatment requires about 20-48 braces to achieve the effect of braces.
Because braces are transparent plastic trays, it is difficult to recognize at a glance, so it will bring high aesthetics, you can confidently smile at any time without fear of revealing braces. Besides, Invisalign braces are very easy to remove, so customers do not need to worry about oral hygiene.
3. Factors that determine the price of braces
Usually, the cost of braces will depend on the following main factors:
3.1. Orthodontic method
The orthodontic method is the factor that largely determines the price of orthodontic treatment. Each orthodontic method will have its own advantages and disadvantages along with the price. In particular, Invisalign clear braces have a fairly high price, but the benefits and advantages that this method brings are superior to other methods.
3.2. Condition of teeth before braces
The misalignment of teeth affects the time of braces and this affects the cost of treatment.
3.3. Oral health status
Oral diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. must be completely treated before braces are performed to ensure safety and effectiveness. Therefore, the more oral diseases you have, the more treatment costs you will incur.
3.4. Selected Dental Facility
Braces are a rather complicated technique, so not all dental clinics can perform braces safely and effectively. You should choose a dental clinic equipped with modern machinery and a team of experienced and highly skilled doctors to perform braces.
4. How much does the cheapest braces cost?
Usually, customers often choose the traditional braces method to save costs. In addition, the price will vary depending on whether the teeth are more or less misaligned and whether the customer has other oral diseases or not. The cheapest price for braces with metal braces at reputable dental facilities is usually around 27,000,000 VND/1 course.
5. Consequences of cheap, poor quality braces
In fact, braces are a complex technique and require highly skilled, experienced doctors and a long treatment time, so the cost will certainly be high. The demand for braces is currently very high, so many dental clinics are reckless in launching braces packages at very cheap prices to attract customers. With a very cheap cost, it means that dental clinics use poor quality braces that are easily deformed and fall off, affecting the effectiveness of braces and even damaging the tooth structure. In case of incorrect orthodontic procedures and performed by unqualified doctors, the following consequences will occur:
5.1. Pulp death
In case of incorrect orthodontic treatment, improper technique will cause the teeth to tilt, not fit properly, causing loss of aesthetics, difficulty in eating or pain, jaw joint pain. More seriously, if the orthodontic treatment is performed by an inexperienced doctor, with poor expertise, it can cause the tooth root to be exposed, the pulp to be inflamed and over time, if not treated promptly, it will lead to pulp death.
5.2. Deformed face
If the jaw is misaligned before braces, if braces are done incorrectly, the condition will become much more serious, thereby deforming the overall face.
5.3. Teeth fall out early
The condition of teeth becoming weak and falling out earlier with age is a problem that worries many people when getting braces. However, this problem only occurs when customers choose a cheap, poor quality braces service, and inexperienced doctors cause the braces to fail. In the long run, they may suffer from many other oral diseases and have difficulty chewing.
6. Price list of cheap braces services at BIK International Dental Clinic
Below is the price list of all types of braces at BIK International Dental Clinic:
Braces are a complex orthodontic technique, requiring a lot of time as well as the doctor’s qualifications, so the cost will certainly not be low. Currently, there are many unusually cheap braces packages floating around the market. If customers choose these cheap, poor quality services, they will receive unpredictable consequences in the long run. Therefore, choose the right quality dental facility with a reputable team of doctors to get effective and sustainable braces results.