Why Are Porcelain Teeth Crooked? How To Fix It?

The case of crooked porcelain teeth is also quite common if customers choose poor quality dental facilities and the porcelain crown is performed by a doctor lacking professional experience. In this situation, patients should see a doctor immediately for timely treatment to avoid serious consequences later.

1. Causes of crooked porcelain teeth

Crossed porcelain teeth are often due to the following reasons:

  1.1. The doctor does not perform the technique correctly

The biggest reason why the porcelain crown is exposed is because the doctor’s porcelain crown installation technique is not up to standard. If performed by a doctor with poor skills and lack of experience, the porcelain crown is often not tightly attached to the gums. The larger the gap, the more misaligned and bumpy it is. Therefore, bacteria have a favorable opportunity to grow and develop, attacking the real tooth stump.

  1.2. Grinding the tooth stump incorrectly

When grinding a porcelain crown, the doctor will use a specialized tool to grind away a layer of enamel on the outside to create a space to install the porcelain crown. The amount of enamel must be ground according to the predetermined ratio, so it requires absolute precision and meticulousness from the doctor. If the edges and surfaces of the teeth are not ground evenly, the porcelain crown will definitely be crooked, bumpy, and exposed when installed.

Not only that, if the doctor is not careful to invade the tooth structure, the pulp will be seriously damaged. At this time, the tooth will be at risk of being loose or even losing the tooth if not promptly corrected.

1.3. Porcelain teeth are made in the wrong size

Incorrectly made porcelain crowns are also one of the reasons why porcelain teeth are crooked. Incorrectly sized porcelain teeth can be due to the doctor taking the wrong dental impression, the parameters are incorrect, affecting the manufacturing of porcelain teeth. In addition, if the porcelain tooth maker is not skilled or experienced, there may be mistakes in the work, creating a porcelain tooth product that is not in accordance with the ratio given by the doctor.

  1.4. Not removing tartar

Thick tartar between the gum and the tooth root, if not thoroughly treated, will also cause a difference when installing porcelain teeth, leading to a feeling of discomfort after installation. In addition, tartar that exists for too long in the oral cavity can also cause tooth decay, inflammation and bad breath when covering porcelain teeth.

  1.5. Improper care for porcelain teeth

If customers do not properly care for their teeth after installing porcelain teeth according to the doctor’s instructions, it can also cause the porcelain teeth to be crooked and uncomfortable. If oral hygiene is not thorough and food remains between the teeth for a long time, tartar will form, affecting the porcelain crown.

In addition, after having just restored porcelain teeth, if customers eat foods that are too hot, too cold, too hard, too chewy, it can also affect the dentures.

2. Effects of installing porcelain teeth that are crooked

Polymer teeth that are crooked or bulky after installation will cause some of the following effects:

  2.1. Affecting aesthetics

Polyceramic teeth that are protruding will have an unusual, unnatural appearance compared to real teeth, and if the front teeth are crooked, it will further reduce the overall aesthetics of the face. In fact, the main purpose of porcelain tooth restoration is to restore aesthetics, and if the beauty is affected, the porcelain crown can be considered unsuccessful.

  2.2. Causing entanglement and discomfort

If the denture is crooked, the feeling of entanglement and discomfort is inevitable, especially when chewing. It can even cause pain for customers when eating foods that are too hard and require a lot of chewing force.

  2.3. Increased risk of oral diseases

Polyceramic crowns can be crooked because the porcelain crown and the real tooth stump are not tightly fitted together, the gap in between is the ideal place for bacteria to form and grow if oral hygiene does not completely remove leftover food.

Over time, they will begin to attack the gums and real tooth stumps or even the adjacent teeth, causing serious damage, leading to a number of dental or gum diseases.

3. How to fix exposed porcelain teeth?

For each case of exposed porcelain teeth due to different causes, the doctor will have different appropriate remedies:

  3.1. Filling the gap

In case the porcelain tooth is crooked because the porcelain crown and the tooth post are not tightly attached to each other, creating a gap, the doctor will fill the gaps to prevent food and bacteria from getting in. The filling material is completely safe, benign and does not cause any irritation to oral health.

  3.2. Installing new porcelain teeth

If the porcelain tooth is crooked due to incorrect tooth grinding technique or the porcelain tooth used is not of good quality, the doctor must remove the old porcelain tooth and make a new porcelain tooth from the beginning. At this time, customers should choose a reputable dental clinic to ensure that the tooth impression and tooth grinding are done accurately, avoiding the case of the porcelain tooth continuing to be defective.

  3.3. Cleaning plaque on teeth

If tartar is the cause of the feeling of crookedness when covering the porcelain, the doctor will take thorough cleaning measures. In addition, if the patient has oral diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, pulpitis, etc., they also need to be thoroughly treated before porcelain crowns to ensure safety.

  3.4. Forming the habit of proper dental care

Customers should form the habit of proper dental care after porcelain crown restoration to avoid long-term misalignment and discomfort. Pay attention to brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice a day, combined with the use of dental floss or a water flosser to remove food debris from between teeth.

4. Choose BIK International Dental Clinic to fix crooked porcelain teeth?

BIK International Dental Clinic confidently accompanies customers to fix crooked porcelain teeth by fully meeting the following criteria:

  4.1. Experienced doctors

When choosing BIK International Dental Clinic, customers will be examined, consulted and have their porcelain teeth installed directly fixed by a team of highly trained doctors.

In addition, with many years of experience in the profession, doctors can make the most accurate diagnosis of the cause of the above condition, thereby implementing the most appropriate remedies.

  4.2. Modern machinery and technology

All facilities of BIK International Dental Clinic are equipped with the most modern and advanced machinery, equipment and technology to support doctors in the examination and treatment process. This helps doctors perform operations more accurately, ensuring safety as well as shortening treatment time.

  4.3. Using genuine materials

All types of porcelain teeth at BIK International Dental Clinic are imported from abroad and have been clearly inspected for quality before being put into use. Therefore, customers can be completely assured of the safety when using porcelain teeth at the Dental Clinic.

  4.4. Reputable warranty policy

Each customer using services at BIK International Dental Clinic will be consulted in detail about the warranty policy, costs and benefits for each different product. For porcelain crowns, customers will receive a warranty from the dental clinic for a period of 5 years or more depending on the porcelain brand.

So the situation of porcelain teeth being crooked can occur due to many reasons listed in the above article. Accordingly, depending on each specific case, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate remedy. In addition, customers need to pay attention to proper oral hygiene to prevent porcelain teeth from becoming crooked and uncomfortable.

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..