How to fix receding gums after porcelain crowns?


Receding gums after porcelain crowns is a fairly common problem in cosmetic restorations. This can be easily recognized by the naked eye and occurs due to many different causes. Accordingly, the doctor will also provide remedies that are most suitable for each person’s condition to bring the highest efficiency.

1. What are the symptoms of receding gums after porcelain crowns?

Porcelain crowns are a modern tooth restoration technique that not only helps restore maximum aesthetics but also ensures the ability to chew normally. However, for many reasons, receding gums after porcelain crowns make customers worried.

Receding gums after porcelain crowns is a condition that is easily seen with the naked eye, the obvious symptom is that the tooth root is exposed due to receding gums or due to the movement of the gums towards the tip of the tooth root. At that time, the tissues around the tooth roots will gradually disappear and expose the dentin.

This phenomenon causes tooth sensitivity, loss of aesthetics and creates favorable conditions for food particles to stick, which can cause other oral diseases.

2. Causes of receding gums after porcelain crowns


Receding gums after porcelain crowns can be due to one of the following reasons:

  2.1. Inaccurate dental impression technique

The condition of porcelain crowns with receding gums can originate from the initial basic dental impression technique. In many cases, the doctor may use non-specialized dental impression tools to make porcelain crowns, which can lead to certain errors.

If the dental impression is not taken accurately, the porcelain crown created by the technician will certainly not fit the gums. At this time, the abutment tooth and the porcelain crown will not have a high degree of tightness, causing the porcelain crown to recede after a period of use.

  2.2. Poorly skilled doctor

The doctor’s skill is the most important factor determining the success of the porcelain crown as well as deciding whether the porcelain crown will cause receding gums or not. Customers who experience receding gums after porcelain crowns are often due to the doctor in charge not ensuring the accuracy and meticulousness when attaching the porcelain crown to the abutment tooth, causing serious consequences later.

  2.3. Outdated technology

The equipment and technology provided at the dental facility are also factors that affect the condition of gum recession after porcelain crowns. If the technology used is outdated, the data when taking dental impressions will be incorrect, the porcelain crowns created will not fit tightly with the gums and can easily cause gum recession.

  2.4. Poor quality porcelain materials

The quality of porcelain teeth greatly determines oral health, so whether porcelain crowns cause gum recession or not also depends on this. Currently, there are many different types of porcelain teeth on the market, each with its own advantages to suit many customers with different needs.

In case of using non-genuine, poor quality porcelain teeth, in the long run, it will certainly cause negative effects, affecting the gums and teeth.

  2.5. Untreated oral diseases before porcelain crowns

Some oral diseases such as tooth decay, pulpitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, etc. need to be thoroughly treated before porcelain crowns to ensure the effectiveness of the restoration as well as the safety of the treatment. However, if the doctor is subjective and does not check and treat thoroughly, it will lead to the situation of porcelain teeth receding gums later.

  2.6. Improper oral care

When you have just had porcelain crowns, because the oral cavity is not really used to the new teeth, customers need to be very careful in the process of oral care. You should follow the doctor’s instructions to have a nutritious menu every day, and at the same time form a habit of proper oral hygiene.

3. Does receding gums affect porcelain crowns?

If not detected and treated promptly, receding gums can cause the following effects:

– Food is often stuck at the base of the tooth, over time forming bacteria nests. This is a factor that causes some conditions such as bad breath, or more seriously, pulpitis, periodontitis.

– Receding gums mean that the neck of the tooth is exposed, thereby making the enamel easily affected when brushing your teeth every day. Over time, this will wear down the enamel, causing sensitivity and prolonged pain.

– The gum tissue and structure around the teeth are seriously affected, and at some point the teeth will also weaken and become loose due to the lack of surrounding supporting tissue.

– The ability to chew is reduced due to the exposed tooth stump when the gums recede, which can easily lead to sensitivity, causing an unpleasant feeling when eating and drinking.

4. What to do if the porcelain teeth have receding gums?

For each different cause of receding gums after porcelain crowns, the doctor will also have different remedies:

  4.1. Redesigning porcelain teeth

In case the receding gums are due to the process of taking the dental impression being performed incorrectly, causing the porcelain teeth and the tooth stump to not fit together, the doctor will take the dental impression again and re-fabricate the porcelain teeth to best suit the customer’s teeth.

Customers will have their old porcelain teeth removed, the tooth stump cleaned, the tooth impression taken and the same steps repeated as when having porcelain teeth for the first time. This process is carried out strictly to ensure high efficiency and no complications after porcelain teeth are covered.

  4.2. Treating oral diseases

In case oral diseases are the cause of porcelain teeth receding gums, the doctor will remove the porcelain crown for treatment, clean the bacteria in the oral cavity and then re-cover the old crown or remake a new porcelain crown according to the correct size.

  4.3. Replace with a better quality porcelain crown

If the reason for the porcelain teeth receding gums is poor quality porcelain crown material, customers should find another more reputable dental facility to replace the new porcelain crown. The porcelain crown used must be imported genuine to ensure the effectiveness of porcelain crowns and not cause irritation to oral health.

  4.4. Proper oral care

In addition, to avoid gum recession after porcelain crowns, customers also need to have the habit of proper oral care. Pay attention to brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush with adequate brushing force and avoiding impact on the gums. In addition, customers can combine dental floss or a water flosser to completely clean between teeth.

So the condition of receding gums after porcelain crowns occurs due to many different causes as mentioned above. Faced with that problem, customers should go to a reputable, quality dental facility to be examined and find out the specific reason, from which they can proceed to fix it with different appropriate measures.

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