Currently, there are many types of porcelain teeth on the market with many different origins serving the tooth restoration method. In order to help customers have accurate assessments of the best types of porcelain teeth today. Let’s refer to the article below with BIK International Dental Clinic.
The best types of porcelain teeth today
1. The best types of metal porcelain teeth today Metal porcelain teeth are the porcelain tooth restoration solution with the lowest cost among the types of porcelain teeth. There are 3 popular types of metal porcelain teeth on the market: American metal porcelain teeth, German Vita teeth and titanium porcelain teeth. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each type.
1.1 American metal porcelain teeth
Metal porcelain teeth are porcelain teeth that use metal material to make the frame and the outside is covered with a white porcelain layer like real teeth. The frame is usually made of Co – Cr, Ni – Cr alloy, Titanium or other precious metals. Then, the technician will use a white porcelain enamel layer to cover the outside to create a crown with the same color as real teeth.
American metal porcelain teeth are cheap, but quite similar to real teeth
Teeth discoloration occurs, the color of the porcelain teeth is not like real teeth, the aesthetic value is not high. In case the patient is allergic to metal, it can cause irritation of soft tissues in the mouth.
American metal porcelain teeth
1.2 German Vita porcelain teeth
Vita porcelain teeth are one of the types of non-metal porcelain teeth produced in Germany. Vita porcelain crowns can be applied to cases of tooth decay, restoring defective front teeth very well.
German Vita teeth ensure firmness, withstand strong chewing force, have natural color and are not picky about the body, do not irritate gum tissue and do not affect the body. In particular, sunlight or laser rays can penetrate without any shadow on the tooth edge.
However, Vita porcelain teeth can change color after a period of use, no longer naturally white as before if customers do not know how to care and protect them carefully.
Răng su vita Đức
1.3 Titan porcelain teeth
Titanium porcelain teeth also have the same structure as metal porcelain teeth, but the inside is covered with a layer of Titanium. The Titanium material of Titan porcelain teeth has good biocompatibility, so there is no irritation to the body.
High durability, ensuring the patient’s chewing process.
The body of the Titan porcelain tooth has a slightly opaque color and the gloss is not as natural as the all-ceramic tooth. The frame of the Titan porcelain tooth is still a metal alloy, so when exposed to light, it still has a black glow.
Titan porcelain tooth
2. The best all-ceramic tooth today
All-ceramic tooth is made entirely of monolithic porcelain, without metal, so the aesthetics of this type of tooth is very high. Depending on the ceramic material and manufacturing technology, all-ceramic teeth have different colors, durability and prices. Below are the types of all-ceramic teeth:
2.1. Zirconia all-ceramic teeth
Zirconia all-ceramic teeth are a type of porcelain teeth that are widely used. The frame of the tooth is made of Zirconia porcelain and the porcelain layers that help create color are used to cover the outside.
Zirconia porcelain teeth with the characteristics of hardness and natural white color like real teeth, this type of porcelain teeth ensures customers both aesthetics and durability, safety throughout the time of use.
However, this type of porcelain teeth is not suitable for making long bridges.
Zirconia Porcelain Teeth
2.2. Full Zirconia Porcelain Teeth
Full Zirconia Porcelain Teeth are a type of non-metallic porcelain teeth, consisting of 2 layers including a crown frame made of durable Ziconia material. Full Ziconia is cut 100% in one piece on a CAD/CAM computer.
Full Zirconia Porcelain Teeth are quite hard, have very good resistance, are safe, and are not worn or chipped during eating and drinking. The duration of use of Full Zirconia all-ceramic teeth is up to 10 years – 20 years.
This is the most popular type of all-ceramic teeth, the weakness of Full Zirconia porcelain teeth is that they cannot be used for the front teeth.
Look up warranty card for Zirconia porcelain teeth:
Full Zirconia porcelain teeth
2.3. ArgenZ Ultra all-ceramic teeth
ArgenZ Ultra all-ceramic teeth are a high-end Zirconia ceramic product line with a hardness of 1400MPa, a stable crystal structure and high biocompatibility.
High hardness and durability, highly aesthetic restoration thanks to the ability to reflect and transmit light optimally, giving results very similar to real teeth.
The time to make ArgenZ Ultra porcelain teeth is usually 2 – 3 days longer than other methods.
ArgenZ Ultra Porcelain Teeth
2.4. ArgenZ HT+ all-ceramic teeth
ArgenZ HT+ all-ceramic teeth are considered an upgraded version of ArgenZ HT porcelain teeth
ArgenZ HT+ all-ceramic teeth are significantly improved compared to previous Zirconia porcelain lines in terms of hardness and aesthetics, providing natural restorations like real teeth, widely indicated from single crowns to full-arch bridges.
Like ArgenZ HT porcelain teeth, ArgenZ HT+ porcelain teeth also have a longer fabrication time than other types of all-ceramic teeth.
ArgenZ Ultra HT+ Porcelain Teeth
2.5. Cercon HT All-Ceramic Porcelain Teeth
Cercon HT porcelain teeth can restore many different positions, including incisors and molars. Cercon HT porcelain teeth are designed using CAD/CAM technology – the most advanced porcelain teeth manufacturing technology today with a high level of precision, ensuring good aesthetics. The color of the porcelain teeth is clear white, completely not opaque because the porcelain block is fired at high temperature..
However, Cercon HT porcelain teeth have a fairly thin frame. Therefore, to ensure that the porcelain teeth do not crack, break and get damaged, it is best to abstain from certain foods and drinks that are not good for your oral health.
Răng su Carcon HT
2.7. Ceramill Zolid all-ceramic teeth
Ceramill Zolid all-ceramic teeth have a frame made of high-quality Zirconia ceramic and are covered with Zolid ceramic on the outside. Manufactured using CAD/CAM technology.
With absolute precision and perfect thinness, it can be used to bond porcelain without grinding much enamel. The gloss of Ceramill Zolid porcelain teeth is very beautiful, has high resistance, and meets the restoration needs for both molars and incisors.
Ceramill porcelain teeth are quite expensive, compared to the previous types of porcelain crowns in this article.
Ceramill Zolid Porcelain Teeth
2.8. Lava Plus All-Ceramic Teeth
Lava Plus Porcelain Teeth is a perfect combination of beauty and quality, completely overcoming the disadvantages of other porcelain lines.
Lava Plus all-ceramic teeth are about 6-7 times more durable than real teeth and can withstand very high chewing force. Thanks to that, you can comfortably eat hard foods without worrying about problems such as chipping or breaking teeth. In addition, scientific data also proves that Lava Plus has the property of preserving, not wearing down or damaging the opposite real teeth. Suitable indications for making dental bridges for all positions.
Disadvantages of Lava Plus porcelain teeth
Along with quality, of course, comes high cost. Lava Plus porcelain teeth have the highest cost among popular types of porcelain teeth, suitable for people with stable financial conditions.
Rạng Porcelain Lava Plus
3. The best porcelain veneers today
Veneer porcelain veneers are a modern and popular cosmetic restoration technique today. This method is only suitable for some specific tooth conditions. The advantage of porcelain veneers is that they do not require much tooth grinding but only create roughness to attach the porcelain veneers. Therefore, the aesthetics of this method are quite high.
Veneer porcelain bonding method without grinding teeth
Emax porcelain veneer
Emax porcelain veneer is made entirely of monolithic porcelain. The frame of this veneer is made of Emax porcelain with good durability and load-bearing capacity.
With 100% porcelain material, this porcelain veneer has extremely high biocompatibility, does not cause irritation, blackening of the gum line, and gum neck in the mouth.
Emax porcelain veneer is highly appreciated for its aesthetics. Teeth after porcelain bonding have a very natural color, exactly like real teeth.
Emax porcelain veneer
3D Glass Porcelain Veneer
This is an ultra-thin porcelain tooth surface created from the technique of cutting super-hard glass ceramic ingots (crystal ceramic) using 3D ultrasonic CAD/CAM technology, the porcelain surface has high resistance (hardness 400Mpa) and can reach super thinness (0.2-0.4mm). The advantages of 3D Glass Porcelain Veneer are preserving the original tooth enamel, not invading real teeth, high aesthetic efficiency, high durability, porcelain material is safe for the body.
3D glass porcelain veneer
Advantages and disadvantages of the Verneer porcelain veneer method
As analyzed above, this method helps you completely preserve your real teeth because you will not grind your teeth near the core. Because the veneer is very thin, it will feel exactly like the color of your real teeth.
However, this method is not suitable for cases of unfavorable bites such as head-to-head, cross-bite or bad habits such as grinding teeth. In addition, this method also does not improve the color if the tooth is too dark because the real tooth color will penetrate the Veneer layer.
4. How to check genuine porcelain teeth
Like many other products, porcelain teeth also have fake, counterfeit, and poor quality products. They are often unusually cheap, so you should check and verify the information carefully if you find that the price of porcelain teeth is much cheaper than the market price.
All genuine porcelain teeth will be issued with an IDPI warranty card (International Dental Prosthesis Identity: global authentication and traceability approved via the Internet). On this card will be the customer’s name, the code provided, when entering this code on IDPI’s WEB:
The porcelain teeth warranty data center will provide full information about: Customer name, origin of porcelain teeth, warranty policy, …
International genuine porcelain teeth inspection organization
5. Price list of genuine porcelain teeth at BIK International Dental Clinic
At BIK International Dental Clinic, there are all types of porcelain teeth that are popular on the market today. And here is the price list of genuine porcelain teeth and the warranty policy of each type of porcelain teeth.
Choosing the best type of porcelain crown depends on each person’s teeth condition and their economic conditions. Each person has different requirements and desires for improving their smile and chewing function. To make the right decision, you should contact BIK International Dental Clinic via Hotline 0975686969
to meet the doctors and get specific advice on the method suitable for your teeth condition. The doctor will make the most accurate choice, ensuring aesthetics, function and finances suitable for you. Choosing the right type of porcelain crown will help you have a perfect smile and be more confident in your daily life.