Anyone is at risk of periodontitis, whether children or adults. BIK International Dental Clinic will help you find out if periodontitis is dangerous? How long does it take for periodontitis to heal through the article below.
Is periodontitis dangerous?
Periodontitis is a complication of gingivitis, an inflammation that occurs in the soft tissue around the teeth, and can spread to the jawbone if not treated promptly. The main cause of gingivitis is bacteria that accumulate on dental plaque. Bacteria create acids that damage tooth enamel, causing damage to teeth and gums. This plaque stubbornly adheres to teeth, gradually forming tartar and causing bad odors.
If periodontitis is detected and treated properly, it will reduce the risk of damage to tooth-supporting tissue, avoiding tooth misalignment or tooth loss. In addition, periodontitis also causes bad breath, making the patient uncomfortable in communication, and needs to be treated as soon as it appears.
However, if periodontitis is left untreated for a long time, it will cause serious consequences such as tooth loss. Therefore, if you have periodontitis, go to the dentist immediately for timely treatment before the condition becomes more severe.
Can periodontitis be cured?
Can periodontitis be cured? The answer is yes. Not only can it be cured, but it can also recover on its own. Usually, when treating periodontitis, the dentist will use medication and scale to clean the gums, reducing the risk of infection. However, periodontitis can recur if oral hygiene is not maintained properly after treatment. After treating periodontitis, you need to have regular check-ups every 6 months to remove tartar and plaque.
How long does it take for periodontitis to heal?
How long does it take to cure periodontitis is a question that many people are concerned about. First, it is important to remember that periodontitis cannot be cured by brushing your teeth every day. When plaque forms around the tooth roots, it will not fall off by brushing and rinsing normally. Tartar removal must be done by a dentist with the help of machines.
In severe cases of periodontitis, with periodontal pockets containing pus, surgery to remove the periodontal pockets is necessary to avoid tooth loss. Therefore, the recovery time from periodontitis depends on the condition of the disease and whether you detect the symptoms promptly and decide to treat it immediately or not. The sooner periodontitis is treated, the faster the recovery time.
How to effectively prevent periodontitis
To avoid worrying about periodontitis, the most important thing is to focus on prevention so that you do not get this disease. Preventing periodontitis is an effective way to avoid the disease and maintain your oral health. Here are some measures you can take to prevent periodontitis:
- Proper oral hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use dental floss and mouthwash daily to remove plaque and food debris that cause bacteria under the gums.
- Use fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride helps protect tooth enamel and prevents the growth of bacteria that cause periodontitis.
- Adjust your diet: Limit sweets, carbonated drinks and increase your intake of green vegetables, fresh fruits and foods rich in nutrients nutrition.
- Avoid smoking: Smoking seriously damages oral health and increases the risk of periodontitis.
- Regular dental check-ups: This helps detect oral problems early and treat them promptly.
Hopefully, through this information, you have a better understanding of periodontitis and how long it takes to cure periodontitis. If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact BIK International Dental Clinic via hotline 19008015 for detailed advice.