Blackened tooth roots are not a specific dental disease, but they are a manifestation of other dental problems such as thick tartar, tooth decay, etc. If you feel that this condition has just appeared, you can perform some home remedies for blackened tooth rootswith simple ingredients, but you need to persevere for a long time to get the best results.
1. Causes of blackened tooth roots
Blackened tooth roots can be due to the following reasons:
1.1. Due to dark plaque
Dark plaque near the gums is one of the causes of blackened tooth roots. These plaques are caused by you regularly eating or drinking colored foods such as tea, coffee, chocolate, carrot juice, etc. Or even when you smoke regularly or rinse your mouth with colored mouthwash such as Betadine.
When brushing teeth, some plaque can be removed, but the areas close to the gums or the inside of the teeth are often overlooked. These plaques will gradually turn black, causing an unsightly appearance.
1.2. Due to tartar
Tartar is a hard plaque that adheres tightly to the teeth, both above and below the gums. At first, these plaques are only yellow or dark brown, but over time, food sticks to them, combined with the deposition of food particles, causing them to gradually turn black. Especially in people who smoke a lot, drink coffee regularly, and do not clean their teeth thoroughly, tartar forms very quickly.
1.3. Due to tooth decay
When brushing teeth, the part of the tooth near the gum is easily overlooked and bacteria will easily attack and create cavities. The dentin tissue in the decayed area will be affected, gradually hardening and turning dark black to prevent further tooth decay.
1.4. Due to porcelain crowns
If you choose a metal porcelain crown when performing cosmetic restoration, after 2-3 years of use, the tooth roots will appear black. The reason is that the metal core inside is oxidized in the oral cavity, causing the color to turn black.
Or it could be that during the porcelain crown process, the doctor used a poor quality porcelain crown, and the porcelain crown technique also had problems causing the porcelain crown to be curved, bulky, open, etc., making it easy for food to get stuck, causing black tooth roots, bad breath, etc.
2. How to treat black tooth roots at home
If the condition of black tooth roots is relatively mild, you can apply some simple ways to treat black tooth roots at home:
2.1. Use salt and brown sugar
Salt and brown sugar have the effect of preventing bacteria from forming plaque on teeth, including black spots in between teeth.
How to do it:
– Dilute half a teaspoon of salt with warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
– Hold 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar in your mouth, use your tongue to push the sugar to the surfaces of your teeth to help stimulate the salivary glands to secrete more, combined with cooked sugar to remove plaque on your teeth.
– After the sugar has dissolved, you just spit it out and brush your teeth as usual.
– Use diluted salt water to clean the sugar on your teeth.
– Do this for 3 minutes each time and 3 weeks each week for best results.
2.2. Using salt and lemon
For the best results, you can use both lemon peel and lemon juice because they help clean plaque, support healthy gums, and prevent the formation of black spots at the base of the teeth.
How to do it:
– Grate the washed lemon peel, chop it finely, then puree it and add a few grains of salt.
– Mix lemon juice into the pureed mixture.
– Rinse your mouth with diluted salt water and use the above mixture to brush your teeth.
– Brush your teeth with a toothbrush as usual for about 3-5 minutes.
– Rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water.
– Only do this 2-3 times a week to avoid wearing down tooth enamel because lemon contains a lot of acid.
3. Fix blackened tooth roots at the dentist
In cases where the blackened tooth roots are more severe, you can go to the dentist to perform some more specialized measures:
3.1. Scaling
In cases where the tooth root is black due to thick plaque, the doctor will prescribe scaling to effectively overcome this condition. The doctor will use a modern ultrasonic scaler to slowly remove the tartar without having to exert too much force on the teeth or gums. This also helps the patient feel comfortable and painless during the tartar cleaning process.
3.2. Treatment of tooth decay
In the case of black tooth roots due to tooth decay, the doctor will remove the decay and fill the cavity to improve aesthetics. Tooth filling is the best method to restore the tooth shape to its original state, while effectively preventing tooth decay from recurring.
In addition to tooth filling, patients can have cosmetic porcelain crowns to completely restore chewing ability as well as aesthetics like real teeth. It is best to choose all-ceramic teeth so that the porcelain crown does not oxidize over a long period of use, preventing black gum lines.
3.3. Teeth whitening
If your teeth are only black due to dark plaque, the best option is teeth whitening. Currently, you can whiten your teeth at home or at the dentist. Teeth whitening products on the market today are all benign and have clear quality control, so you just need to follow the instructions and your oral health will not be affected.
3.4. Replace porcelain crowns
In case the metal porcelain crown is oxidized, causing the tooth root to turn black, the doctor will advise replacing it with a new all-ceramic crown to fix this condition most effectively. This is the highest quality porcelain crown available today, with a lifespan of up to 20 years and is completely non-oxidized in the oral cavity, causing black gums. At the same time, the material is completely benign and does not cause any irritation to oral health.
4. Note to prevent black tooth roots
To keep your teeth bright and healthy, you should note the following:
– The most important thing is to maintain oral hygiene at home. You need to pay attention to proper oral hygiene at least twice a day, especially after meals. Combine with dental floss to completely remove food debris in between teeth to prevent plaque from forming.
– Follow a suitable diet, avoid colored foods and drinks, limit foods that are too sweet or too sour.
– Take the initiative to visit the dentist regularly at least every 6 months to ensure that tartar is cleaned regularly.
So when you discover that your tooth root is slightly black, you can apply ways to treat black tooth root at home with simple ingredients. Note that you should persevere for a long time to get the best results. However, to effectively overcome this condition quickly, you should go to a reputable dentist to perform specialized treatments.