Tooth decay: Causes and most effective ways to prevent tooth decay

Nowadays, tooth decay is becoming more and more common in all ages. Tooth decay that is not detected and treated promptly will seriously affect oral health. So when you have tooth decay, you should get rid of the thought: It’s okay to treat tooth decay a little late. Read the following article by BIK International Dental Clinic to learn about the causes and ways to prevent tooth decay.

1. Overview of tooth decay – What is tooth decay and how to recognize it

Almost all of us have had tooth decay, but not everyone understands this disease clearly.

1.1. What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is a condition of damage to hard tissue originating from the process of demineralization of tooth enamel. The cause is bacteria formed through plaque on the teeth. When teeth decay, it will create small holes in the teeth, these holes will become larger and larger if we do not detect them early and prevent them promptly.

What is tooth decay

Illustration of tooth decay

1.2. How to recognize tooth decay

When teeth have cavities, they will be sensitive to hot, cold, sweet and sour foods and drinks.

If cavities are not detected early, the teeth will become inflamed, and the patient will have sudden and unexplained toothaches.

Patients can see holes on the tooth surface.

Teeth appear with brown, black or white stains on the teeth.

To detect tooth decay, people need to have regular dental check-ups every 6 months to screen for tooth decay and treat it promptly. Because cavities are located on the chewing surface, the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth are easy to detect during clinical examination. In the case of cavities on the adjacent surfaces of 2 teeth, it will be more difficult to detect. Sometimes X-rays are needed for diagnosis.

Can detect cavities with the naked eye

1.2. Common types of tooth decay

Tooth decay is more common in children than adults, and is divided into the following types:

Corner decay – the most common type of tooth decay, occurring in both children and adults, usually occurs on the chewing surfaces or between teeth.

Root decay – as we age, our gums become looser, exposing part of the tooth root. Because there is no enamel, these exposed areas of the tooth root are more susceptible to tooth decay.

Secondary decay – can form around fillings and crowns in your teeth. This occurs because these areas tend to accumulate plaque, which can lead to tooth decay.

common types of tooth decay

A case of multiple types of tooth decay at the same time

2. Causes of tooth decay

The cause of tooth decay often forms after a long period of eating and drinking improperly, let’s learn more about the following causes of tooth decay:

2.1. Poor oral hygiene

The main cause of tooth decay is often poor oral hygiene. Unclean teeth and a lot of plaque will create favorable conditions for bacteria to grow and lead to tooth decay.

2.2. Habit of eating sweet foods

According to research, children who often eat candy, cookies, chips… have a risk of tooth decay 4 times higher than children who rarely eat these foods.

Because when eating sweet foods, countless types of acids that have a dissolving effect will have more time to come into contact with your teeth, thereby increasing the risk of tooth decay.

habit of eating sweet foods

Habit of eating sweet foods will cause tooth decay

2.3. Sugary, carbonated drinks

Drinks that are high in sugar, such as soda, energy drinks, sports protein drinks, and bottled fruit juices, contain a variety of acids. If you drink too much of these drinks, your risk of tooth decay is 31% higher than the average person (according to a study in Finland).

2.4. Tobacco use

Sweden conducted a study on oral health, they sampled adolescents who had never used tobacco and those who often used tobacco. The study showed that adolescents who had used tobacco had a higher rate of tooth decay.

In addition to teeth, tobacco also changes the color of teeth, causes gum recession, and wounds will be difficult to heal when treated by dentistry.

Tobacco use causes tooth decay
Tobacco use causes tooth decay

2.5. Alcohol abuse

Tooth decay is caused by beer, wine and mixed drinks with high acid content that break down the protective enamel of your teeth. This can lead to long-term tooth decay and increase the risk of periodontal disease.

Alcohol and beer reduce saliva flow, creating conditions for bacteria to adhere to tooth enamel, increasing the risk of tooth decay.

3. Effective ways to prevent tooth decay

The risk of tooth decay will be significantly reduced if you know the following notes to effectively prevent tooth decay.

3.1. Brush your teeth properly

Brushing your teeth properly from top to bottom, from bottom to top or in a circular motion will remove plaque better than horizontally. In addition, this also helps protect tooth enamel from being worn away.

Removing plaque and protecting tooth enamel well will significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay.

brush your teeth properly
Brush your teeth properly to prevent tooth decay

3.2. Use dental floss

Compared to using toothpicks, using dental floss will remove food and plaque between teeth better. Thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay.

3.3. Use mouthwash

Using mouthwash combined with brushing your teeth properly will be the most effective way to remove bacteria and plaque. Minimize the risk of tooth decay.

3.4. Healthy diet

Limiting foods high in sugar, not abusing alcoholic and carbonated drinks… will reduce the amount of acid that teeth have to come into contact with, which helps protect tooth enamel, thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay.

3.5. Preventive dental fillings

To prevent tooth decay and other oral diseases, it is best to go to a dental clinic for regular dental check-ups.

This will help you detect tooth decay early when it is just starting. At this time, preventive dental fillings will be the way to completely resolve tooth decay, avoiding the cavity from getting bigger.

tooth fillings to prevent tooth decay

Tooth fillings to prevent tooth decay

4. How dangerous is tooth decay if not treated completely?

Tooth decay is not only dangerous to the teeth and mouth but also affects other health problems.

As mentioned above, the main cause of tooth decay is bacteria accumulating on the teeth. Having a lot of bacteria in the mouth will lead to the following diseases:

4.1. Tooth decay leads to diabetes

Tooth decay reduces the ability to control the amount of sugar entering the body. This negatively affects the process of converting sugar into energy. Therefore, people with tooth decay are at risk of diabetes.

4.2. Tooth decay reduces memory

When teeth decay, one area of ​​the brain is affected and reduces the sensitivity of other areas. Tooth decay causes the arteries in the brain to narrow, affecting brain activity. Oral diseases affect memory in the elderly.

tooth decay causes memory loss

Tooth decay causes memory loss

4.3. Risk of premature birth for pregnant women

According to recent studies, about 25% of women with tooth decay give birth prematurely before the 35th week, women with tooth decay are 3 times more likely to give birth prematurely than those with good oral health.

5. Prestigious dental clinic for tooth decay treatment

For quick and complete treatment, you should choose a reputable dental clinic for examination. BIK International Dental Clinic (formerly Bao Viet Dental Clinic) with 3 branches in Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong will be a prestigious dental clinic for tooth decay treatment that you can refer to:

Modern facilities

With the desire to bring the best oral health to patients, BIK International Dental Clinic always invests in high-tech equipment and machinery for the best treatment.

Modern facilities at BIK International Dental Clinic

Standard medical treatment process

BIK International Dental Clinic has 8 years of experience in the dental industry, plus a team of doctors graduated from Medical Universities in major cities across the country will ensure you a fast, effective and least painful treatment process.

Public and reasonable costs

The treatment costs at BIK International Dental Clinic are all publicly listed on the price list. Each patient will have a treatment course with appropriate costs for each individual.

BIK International Dental Clinic – Formerly Bao Viet Dental Clinic

  Branch 1: 20 – 22 Le Van Viet, Hiep Phu Ward, Thu Duc City

Branch 2: 707 Kha Van Can, Linh Xuan Ward, Thu Duc City

Branch 3: 553 Dai Lo Binh Duong, Hiep Thanh Ward, Thu Duc City

Hotline: 1900 8015 or 0975 68 6969

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..