How Much Does a Root Canal Cost? What Is the Procedure?

In fact, the price list for root canal treatment always has a certain difference between different dental addresses. If the dental clinic has a team of experienced doctors and a system of modern equipment and machinery to support the treatment process to achieve the best results, the price for root canal treatment will be slightly higher than other addresses.

1. Benefits of Root Canal Treatment


Before finding out how much root canal treatment costs, let’s find out the benefits of root canal treatment first!

Proceeding with root canal treatment in a timely manner will bring the following benefits:

  1.1. Stop pain

Usually, when the root canal is exposed due to trauma or the root canal is inflamed, the doctor will prescribe a root canal treatment method. Regardless of the cause, the affected tooth pulp will bring the patient prolonged pain and discomfort. Therefore, if the tooth pulp is treated early, it will effectively eliminate the pain and reduce the severity of the root canal treatment.

  1.2. Protect the tooth structure

In the case of infected tooth pulp, if not examined and treated promptly, bacteria can develop rapidly, thereby attacking and spreading around the pulp, creating tooth abscesses, root canal infections, etc., endangering oral health.

  1.3. Prevent the risk of other oral diseases

If the infected tooth pulp is not treated promptly, it will gradually progress to the stage of necrotic pulpitis and pulp death. Necrotic substances from the dental pulp can escape through the apical foramen, causing many dangerous diseases such as osteomyelitis, granuloma, radicular cyst, etc.

2. Root canal treatment process


The international standard root canal treatment process at the dental clinic usually includes the following basic steps:

  2.1. Examination and consultation

First, the doctor will conduct a general examination with the naked eye, then take an X-ray and rely on the film results to check the specific condition of the tooth pulp. From the results, the patient is diagnosed, consulted and receives a detailed treatment plan.

  2.2. Anesthesia

After the oral cavity has been cleaned to remove bacteria and agents that can cause infection, a local anesthetic will be injected so that the patient does not feel pain and feels more secure during the root canal treatment process.

  2.3. Placing a rubber base

The doctor will isolate the tooth that needs root canal treatment from the oral cavity by placing a rubber base to prevent the risk of infection due to saliva that can penetrate the tooth. The rubber base will now help limit the situation of root canal treatment medicine, tools, and root canal cleaning solution falling into the mouth.

  2.4. Root canal treatment

A specialized drill will be used to open the root canal according to the size that the doctor has calculated in advance. After opening the root canal, the entire infected pulp will be removed and the root canal system will be cleaned before filling the tooth.
The number of times the patient has to visit the dentist until the treatment is complete depends on the condition of the pulpitis, whether the root canal system is easy to access, etc. Between treatments, antiseptic medicine will be placed in the root canal, the tooth will be temporarily filled to prevent further infection.

  2.5. Root Canal Filling

After the pulp has been completely cleaned and the infection has been treated, the doctor will fill the root canal with a specialized material or choose a porcelain crown to ensure the longevity of the tooth, depending on the customer’s choice.

3. Root Canal Treatment Price List

The cost of root canal treatment depends on many factors including: dental address, doctor’s experience, type of tooth to be treated, level of tooth damage, treatment method applied…

Below is the price list for root canal treatment at BIK International Dental Clinic:

4. Does root canal treatment hurt?


Whether root canal treatment is painful or not depends on the following factors:

  4.1. Initial condition of the root canal

The initial condition of the root canal greatly affects the feeling of pain when performing root canal treatment. If the root canal has not been damaged or worn too much, the root canal treatment will be very gentle, combined with local anesthesia, the patient will hardly experience any pain.

  4.2. Doctor’s skills

Not only does it determine whether the treatment is painful, but the doctor’s skills also affect safety during and after root canal treatment. If the process is performed by a highly qualified and experienced doctor, the patient will feel more secure during the root canal process thanks to precise and quick operations. At the same time, the root canal treatment time will also be quick and highly effective.

  4.3. Post-treatment oral care

If you follow the correct treatment regimen and use all the medication prescribed by your doctor, you will almost never experience pain. In addition, you need to pay attention to oral hygiene and nutrition after root canal treatment because the mouth becomes very sensitive at this time.

5. How long does it take to get a root canal?


The root canal treatment process requires meticulousness, precision and must ensure that the tooth pulp is completely cleaned, so it will take a long time. However, the length of time it takes to treat a root canal depends on many factors such as: initial oral health status and the dentist’s skills.

Usually, the total time to complete a root canal treatment takes about 2-4 days, including about 1-2 visits to the dentist and each treatment lasts about 20-60 minutes.

6. BIK International Dental Clinic – Painless Root Canal Treatment Address

Painless Root Canal Treatment Dentistry

BIK International Dental Clinic confidently accompanies many domestic and foreign customers when they need root canal treatment to end the pain and discomfort that lasts. Thanks to meeting all the following criteria, patients can feel completely secure and comfortable psychologically when receiving dental treatment:

Experienced team of doctors

When choosing to treat tooth pulp at BIK International Dental Clinic, customers will be treated and have their tooth pulp removed directly by a team of good doctors, trained from basic to advanced in the field of dentistry at prestigious universities at home and abroad.

In addition, with more than 10 years of experience in the profession, the doctor’s operation when removing tooth pulp is guaranteed to be precise, meticulous, and does not affect the tooth structure. The pulp will be completely removed to avoid the situation where the tooth continues to ache after the root canal has been filled.

Equipped with modern technology

All BIK International Dental facilities are equipped with the most modern and advanced machinery, equipment and technology available today to support the treatment and root canal treatment process to take place easily and quickly, ensuring to minimize pain for customers.

International standard root canal treatment process

The root canal treatment process from examination, root canal treatment to root canal filling at BIK International Dental Clinic is carried out according to international standard steps to ensure maximum safety. In addition, BIK Dental also strictly follows the regulations of the Ministry of Health on sterilization and disinfection, avoiding cross-infection between patients.

So root canal treatment is the most optimal solution for cases of infected pulp and the price list for root canal treatment will vary between dental clinics. Depending on the system of equipment, machinery and technology equipped, the cost of root canal treatment varies to bring the best experience to customers. If you are in need of root canal treatment, please contact BIK International Dental Clinic immediately for a 100% free examination and consultation. Contact Hotline: 0975686969

Mỗi phòng khám thuộc hệ thống Nha Khoa Quốc Tế BIK được Sở Y tế các tỉnh thành thẩm định các danh mục kỹ thuật khác nhau. Quý khách sẽ được thực hiện các dịch vụ theo đúng những danh mục kỹ thuật mà Sở Y tế cho phép. Những danh mục khác sẽ được thực hiện tại bệnh viện.
Each clinic in the BIK International Dental System is assessed by the Department of Health of each province and city for different technical categories. You will receive services according to the technical categories permitted by the Department of Health. Other categories will be performed at the hospital..