Implantation is a rather complicated technique that helps restore lost teeth to quickly possess a new radiant smile. Therefore, the standard implant procedure must go through many steps, requiring experience and high qualifications from the surgeon. However, the process of implanting 1 implant pillar is quite quick, only within about 7-10 minutes.
1. Conditions for performing implantation
To ensure safe implantation, patients need to meet the following conditions:
1.1. Age
Only perform Implantation when you are 18 years old because at this time the jawbone system has fully developed and is stable. If you still perform Implantation for younger cases, it will affect the jawbone development process, causing unnecessary deviations.
1.2. Good health
In case of poor health or chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to consider the severity to assess the success of the Implantation. If Implantation is not safe, the doctor will prescribe other methods of implantation.
1.3. Standard jawbone density
Because the Implant pillar is attached directly to the jawbone, it requires the jawbone to be rigid, the volume must ensure sufficient height and thickness to be able to implant teeth. In cases of long-term tooth loss leading to jawbone loss, the doctor will prescribe bone grafting to meet the conditions for Implantation.
1.4. Do not use stimulants
If you use stimulants such as beer, alcohol, cigarettes, etc., you can still have an implant. However, you should stop using them at least 1 month before and after the implant to ensure that the implant is not rejected from the body.
2. Advantages of the Implant technique
The Implant method has the following advantages:
2.1. Prevent bone loss and gum recession
The implant acts as a real tooth root, so it can completely prevent bone loss and gum recession caused by long-term tooth loss.
2.2. Improve aesthetics
Because it is structured like a real tooth in shape, color, and size, it will be very difficult to distinguish which is an implant tooth if only looking with the naked eye. Therefore, customers do not have to worry about aesthetics when choosing an implant.
2.3. Restoring the function of teeth
Because it has the same structure as a real tooth, the implant tooth will also have a very real chewing function and feel. Customers will be completely comfortable eating and drinking without having to abstain from tough or hard foods.
2.5. High durability
The implant is implanted into the jawbone so it has very good durability. If properly cared for, its lifespan can last a lifetime because the Titanium material has a very high biocompatibility with the body.
2.6. Independent existence
Implants exist independently, so when implanted, they only affect the position of the missing tooth, without affecting other teeth, so the surrounding teeth will be kept intact.
3. Standard medical implant procedure at BIK Dental
The international standard implant procedure usually includes the following basic steps:
3.1. General examination and consultation
The doctor will conduct a comprehensive general examination of your health and oral condition. At this step, the diagnosis will be based only on the naked eye and the doctor’s experience.
3.2. Filming
Filming is considered a very important step before implant placement. The doctor will take a panoramic CT scan and tomography to check the height and width of the jawbone. From the results obtained, the implant placement position as well as the implant plan will be clearly and specifically advised. In addition, if the jawbone volume is not enough for implant placement, the patient will need to perform bone grafting or sinus lift depending on the doctor’s instructions.
3.3. Oral hygiene
To minimize the risk of infection during surgery, the patient’s oral cavity needs to be cleaned through steps such as scaling. After that, the doctor will perform local anesthesia to bring the most comfortable feeling to the customer.
3.4. Implant placement
The implant will be implanted into the jawbone at the previously determined location, the implant placement process is quite quick, only within about 7-10 minutes.
3.5. Take jaw impression and attach temporary teeth
About 2-3 days after surgery, the customer needs to go to the dentist to check the healing and proceed to attach the Abutment joint, take jaw impression and attach temporary teeth to facilitate daily eating and drinking.
3.6. Implant integrated into bone
Depending on each person’s bone integration ability, after about 2-6 months, the Implant pillar will firmly adhere to the jaw bone, acting as a real tooth root.
3.7. Attach fixed porcelain teeth
After the Implant pillar has been integrated into the jaw bone, the porcelain crown is fixed on top and completes the Implant tooth implantation process. The Implant tooth at this time is completely similar to a real tooth in terms of shape, size and chewing function.
4. Why is it necessary to strictly follow the standard Implant tooth implantation process steps?
Strictly following the steps of dental implant placement will bring the following benefits:
4.1. Limiting the situation of implant rejection
If the doctor skips the steps of general oral health check-up before surgery, it can cause dangerous complications such as continuous bleeding, infection, implant rejection for patients with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hemophilia, etc.
4.2. Ensuring that the implant teeth are not misaligned with real teeth
Because each person’s tooth mold is different, if the dentist skips the step of taking a jaw model and only uses a single porcelain tooth mold, it will lead to the implant teeth being misaligned with real teeth, thereby causing misaligned bites, making it difficult to chew.
4.3. Avoid causing infection
Infection in the implant area is quite common, the cause may be due to the patient’s improper wound care or the sterilization at the dental clinic not meeting standards. Therefore, the step of sterilizing instruments and clinics is indispensable in the standard implant procedure.
4.4. Protecting adjacent tissues
Without 3D imaging results, the doctor will not be able to accurately calculate the implant placement position, which can cause the implant to be placed close to the nerves, causing damage and pain.
The implant placement process often goes through many steps with quite complicated techniques, requiring high expertise and extensive experience of the surgeon directly performing the surgery. To ensure absolute safety when implanting teeth, you should choose a reputable dental facility with a commitment to performing international standard implant procedures.